



Hey there… This is The Universe calling.

But you can just call me “U”.

Just wanted to talk a bit about Thanksgiving. I understand some of you folks celebrate it this time of year.

That’s cool. Being thankful is a good thing. Makes you stop and appreciate what you’ve got.

I’d like to suggest a new holiday, though…

I call it “TakesCaring“.

Instead of just giving thanks, it’s a bit more proactive. Focuses on action rather than introspection.

First off, “Take care of yourself” (great phrase, btw).
Gotta make sure you’re in tip-top shape, mental, physical, and emotional – so that you’ve got the energy to do more. Be more. See more.

Next, “Take care of your neighbor“.
And I don’t just mean the guy next door! You know, your neighbor in the wider sense. Each other. Family and friends, sure, but strangers too. It’s like a party and everyone’s invited!

Last, “Take care of your world“.
I’ll look out for all the other planets for now, but could I get you to pitch in a bit more on Planet Earth? It’s your home, after all. You wouldn’t trash your house, would you? Take a little time to give back to Mother Earth. I promise, she’ll take care of you and your friends much better if she knows you’re on her side.

Anywho, that’s what TakesCaring is all about.

Hope it becomes a thing.

Gotta run – lots more planets and people to hit up with this idea (billions and billions, as the saying goes)

Take care, now, y’hear!



All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com

