Henderson and Havner, episode 4 – “Running on Empty”
In today’s episode:
Chasing a perp’s not that different from chasing a story. Until you get hit with a designer handbag. Plenty of heavy breathing and illegal action in today’s story!
Listen to episode 4 of this exclusive eight part series from Pendant Productions:
Future Henderson and Havner episodes will be posted here on Joe’s Dump in the coming weeks
For your continued amusement, here are prior “Henderson” episodes from Joe’s Dump:
Henderson and Havner, episode 3 – “All the Fish in The Sea”
Henderson and Havner, episode 2 – “An Enchanted Evening”
Henderson and Havner: episode 1 – “A Meeting of Minds
The Henderson Moment: Episode 1 – Personal Hygiene
Broses! Flowers for MEN! (Henderson Moment episode 2)
… And here are the Pendant Productions release notes, cast and podcast links:
Henderson and Havner, episode 4!
Henderson and Havner, episode 4 – “Running on Empty”
Chasing a perp’s not that different from chasing a story. Until you get hit with a designer handbag.
“Henderson and Havner” is a full-cast, short-format audio comedy. Available for free download in .mp3 format, or as a Podcast!
Also available — a commentary track with the creators!
Download Links:
Henderson and Havner at Pendant Audio
Featuring the voice talents of:
Joe J. Thomas as Henderson
M Sieiro Garcia as Havner
Philip Weber as the announcer
Tom Stitzer as Chiefy
Seth Adam Sher as the dweeb
and Paul Brueggemann as the guy
Written and directed by Jeffrey and Susan Bridges
Scripts edited by Teresa Stacy
“Henderson and Havner” theme by Susan Bridges
“Bumbly March” by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com
Executive Producer Jeffrey Bridges
Produced by Pendant Productions
“Henderson & Havner” created by Jeffrey and Susan Bridges
Thanks for listening!
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