Buzzketing (Buzzword Marketing)
Hi gang,
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of marketing and buzzwords (*wink!*).
So, I’ve combined the two into a new word: Buzzketing!
Buzzketing (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.) \ˈbəz-kə-tiŋ\ Definition: Excessive use of buzzwords in marketing media and presentations. May be accompanied by a glazed look, rapid speech, and a desperate need for validation.
“But wait, Joe”, you may be saying, “How can I use Buzzketing to talketize my objectivization potentiameter kill-zone, whilst still conveying a negative info-quotient contentualized drop-package?”
(translation: you’d like to talk a lot while saying absolutely nothing)
Here’s how it’s done – give a listen!
(Or Watch on YouTube!)