Tiny Art Boxes


Tiny Art Boxes

While cleaning out my garage, I kept running into lots of small collectibles and nonsense.

I also had a bunch of small, clear boxes (left over from chocolates!)

So… I combined the two to make some “Art Boxes”:
(click photo for large size)
Tiny Art Boxes - Joe's Dump


  • 1) glow in the dark items
  • 2) black and white 1×1 lego bricks
  • 3) party popper with confetti
  • 4) lego weapons, flags, etc.
  • 5) finger monsters
  • 6) tiny rubber chickens, parrots, babies, monkeys
  • 7) six-sided dice
  • 8) lego mini-figs
  • 9) gaming dice

What kind of tiny art have you made?


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



MET Public Domain Art


This gallery contains 6 photos.


MET Public Domain Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art (aka. “The MET”) has an amazing collection of artwork. As of February 7th, 2017, thousands of these artworks have been made available online in the public domain. (full press release HERE) … Continue reading


Bacon and You!


Bacon and You!

Bacon and You! Joe's Dump

Ever wonder who you’ve worked with in the entertainment biz? If you’re on IMdB, then the Oracle of Bacon can tell you that and much more…

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
It all begins with Kevin Bacon. The idea is that everyone on the planet is somehow only six steps away from Kevin Bacon. For example, if I know Kevin Bacon, I’m one step away. If I know someone who knows Kevin Bacon, I’m two steps away… and so on. By the time you get to six steps away, that’s a lot of people – maybe even everyone on Earth!

The Oracle of Bacon
The Oracle of Bacon web site finds the shortest connection between any two people listed on IMdB. The default is Kevin Bacon and whoever you type in. As an example, my Bacon Number is 2. I’ve worked with someone who’s worked with Kevin Bacon. But the site has some other very useful tools…

3 Ways To Use The Oracle of Bacon

Be sure to play around with the advanced search options. They’ll let you include things like video games and TV series.

Once you’ve found your Bacon Number, be sure to post it in the comments below.

Have fun!


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Inner Tattoos


Inner Tattoos

Earlier this week, I saw a picture of someone who had their face and body covered in tattoos.

My reactions were many and varied. How did they find work? (they are a tattoo artist, btw) Did they get a lot of questions? Were they comfortable showing something so personal to the world? Was it painful?

Then I realized that in many ways, I have my own inner tattoos.

The most obvious one is acting. Whenever I’m in the booth or onstage, I’m displaying something very personal. Often times a lot of work and pain went into creating it. And when others find out what I do, there are always questions.

Maybe the only difference is that my tattoos are not on the outside. Just hidden beneath the surface.

I think we all have inner tattoos. And some are brave enough to get the real thing.

Hope all your uniqueness shines through 😉

Take care,


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Floating Head Without Green Screen


Floating Head Without Green Screen

Hey gang!

While making my last song parody video (“The Hell of Diets“), I used a special video trick to make my head float:
The Hell of Diets! (title card)

Since I don’t own a Green Screen, I had to come up with another way.

Okay, rewind… “Green Screen? What the heck is that, Joe?”

Glad you asked! In simple terms, the actor is shot on a set that is all one color (usually green, but sometimes blue), then in the video production, the green is replaced with any other picture or video. The effect in video software is called “Chroma Key”. I’ve used Green Screen in my animation projects, such as the “Ban Ki-moon Tune!” – here’s a peek:
Ban Ki-moon Green Screen

No Green Screen? No Problem!

I realized that all I really needed was a way to ensure my face was lighted much brighter than the rest of the shot. Then I could use the Chroma Keyer in Sony’s Movie Studio software to remove everything else (the darker parts of the image).

Here are the steps (click on any image for a larger view):
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Bearly The Actor


Bearly The Actor
(a children’s story for grown-ups)
written by: Joe J Thomas
Bearly The Actor - Book Cover

      Bearly The Actor - Joe J Thomas

In the magical land of Hollis Woods, there once lived a little guy named Bearly.
He worked in the daytime at the honey mines, where everyone treated him fairly.

He rented a smallish room in a hollow tree
In a town where very little came free

But Bearly’s dream was much bigger than that – an actor was what he wanted to be!
With fame and awards and lots of honey in a mansion down by the sea!
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Graphic JoeActor!


This gallery contains 8 photos.


Graphic JoeActor! Part of the job of being self-employed is letting people know what you’ve accomplished. Since I normally eschew traditional marketing methods, I decided to get a bit graphic instead. Below are some iconic graphics featuring characters that I’ve … Continue reading


Un Film Du Arte


Un Film Du Arte

by Aruba Borealis

“Un Film Du Arte” is the first of a series of 273 films by soon to be acclaimed director Aruba Borealis.

Known for his work on knowing art, Aruba Borealis brings a fresh perspective to the Art Film genre.

“I wanted to make something that means something to someone… but I came up with this. Maybe I can sell it.”
— Aruba Borealis

Critical Praise for “Un Film Du Arte”:

“For a first film, this was really bad.”
— Fred Garvey, Mulligatawny Post Dispatch
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Let There Be Lights!


Let There Be Lights!

Jigsaw Bedside Lamps

I made these bedside pendant lamps for less than $55 each… with my own two hands!
(hard to believe, no?)

Read on to find out how they’re built, and to view links to the products so you can make them too…

The lampshades are from kits known as “Jigsaw Puzzle Lamps” or just “Jigsaw Lamps”. Continue reading
