WAMA Hemp Underwear


WAMA Hemp Underwear

Underwear… The final frontier!

Or at least sometimes that’s what it feels like to me. Seems like it’s next to impossible to find underwear that fits right, wears well, and looks good.

Today, to further my Quest for Undies, I’m reviewing Hemp Underwear from WAMA.
WAMA Hemp Underwear
I’ll be honest: I don’t have any other hemp fabric clothing, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Would it be like wearing rope or burlap?!?!?

Disclaimer: WAMA reached out to me to try their underwear. Very nice folks, btw.

Ok, on to the important things:

WAMA Hemp Underwear
To test out the fit and feel, I got 3 different models: Large Boxer/Brief (pictured), XL Boxer/Brief, XL Trunks. (I didn’t get the plain boxers because I prefer a bit more support).
I’m about a 34″ waist. The sizing on their site put me at either a Large or XL size, which is why I chose both. They’re actually both a pretty good fit. The Large is snug without being binding, whereas the XL hugs without feeling like it will fall off.
Both the Large and XL sizes seem to keep my package well wrapped, if you know what I mean.
Between the Boxer/Brief ad the Trunks, I’d have to say I prefer the Boxer/Briefs. The trunks have a shorter leg which just isn’t as comfy for me. YMMV

WAMA underwear is made from: 53% Hemp, 44% Organic Cotton, 3% Spandex.
My first impression was that the fabric felt cooling to the touch, and was softer than plain cotton, but with a good amount of support.
Overall, very comfortable. Plus, I like their choice of colors.

WAMA Hemp Underwear
WAMA laundry instructions say it needs Cold water wash, Low Dry. So, it gets washed on the delicate cycle. First wash I did, it looks fresh and new. I will see how it fares after a few months and post an update then.

The pricing for the ones I bought was $28 (USD) each. While that’s higher than I normally pay ($18-$22), I do have to say it is a quality product. And sometimes, you get what you pay for. Watch for their sales if you want to pay a bit less.

By comparison to past underwear I’ve worn WAMA is a bit more silky than the all cotton ones. But unlike some of the silkier underwear I’ve tried, it still provides excellent support.
WAMA Underwear is a quality product at a premium price. In the end, it’s covering your end… so something of high quality is a luxury worth the money. Joe’s Dump Approved!

For more information, please visit their site at:
WAMA Underwear


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Vote For Our Rights (song)


Vote For Our Rights (song)

Dedicated to all my friends and neighbors who believe the USA is headed into darker times…


      Vote For Our Rights (Joe J Thomas)

“Vote For Our Rights”
(parody song of Times Of Your Life by Paul Anka)
Lyrics and singing by Joe J Thomas
Published Independence Day, July 4th, 2022


Farewell my USA. I woke up, when rights were stripped away.
Mass shootings happen all the time. It’s hard to change some people’s minds.
Remember, will you remember?

Our days are ruled by fear. No longer those golden yesteryears.
The good things now have all been seen. And people are angry and mean.
Remember, will you remember to vote for our rights.

They pack the courts and fix elections.
With power and money on their minds.
Scandals ‘bout men and their erections.
But when they are pressed give deflections.

Now here’s the saddest part; Our country is run by white old farts.
Their 1950’s state of mind is out of touch with modern times.
Remember, will you remember to vote for our rights?

The future’s in our hands. I really hope that you understand.
If we don’t do more than complain the country’s headed down the drain.
Remember, will you remember to vote for our rights?
For our rights…
Vote for our rights, vote for our rights.
For our rights…


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Authentic AI Voices


Authentic AI Voices

(random thoughts from a voice actor)

If you’re a voice actor, I’ll wager you’ve read or been a part of a discussion about AI Voices taking our jobs. Or one about casting for “Authentic” voices for a gig. What follows is some of my thoughts on both topics.

“Authentic” (and other meaningless words)
So, what exactly does “Authentic” mean to you when you see it in a casting notice? The people casting obviously have a reason to ask for “Authentic”. Sometimes it may be that the intended audience is from a particular region and they want to ensure it sounds right to them. Other times, the character is written for a particular ethnicity or sexual preference, etc.

But does that really *mean* anything?!?!? I’m in my 50’s, of Lebanese descent, and was raised in the Midwest. Does this mean I can only play Lebanese guys in their 50’s who are from Cleveland? I worked with a Japanese guy who was raised in Mexico and has a Mexican accent, and a South African who went to school in the UK and has a perfect RP dialect. Are they only limited to their ethnicity or to their childhood accents? And what about anyone with a multi-cultural origin or upbringing?

What is the point of acting? To fully inhabit a character, with all their traits, mannerisms, quirks, etc. To be believable to the audience. For me, that includes the vocal qualities like accent, tone, emotion, etc.

Bottom Line: as a voice actor, who isn’t seen on camera, I should be able to be cast for any role that I can convincingly portray. And so should everyone else.

For those who bring up the very real issue of under-representation for a particular group, I’d say that stems from a lack of opportunity. From the writing, to the casting, and even the funding for projects, whole groups are excluded from even auditioning.

Second Bottom Line: Leveling the playing field means being more inclusive, not less. More opportunity for all, not limiting who can play what. (Shakespeare, anyone? Hamilton?)

AI voices have definitely improved in the 15 years that I’ve been a professional voice actor. They are now good enough to take some of the less demanding jobs. Ones that are just straight information. Phone system prompts. Tech manuals for vision impaired. Voices on trains.

As we move forward into the future, it’s inevitable that AI voices will be doing more VO work. But how much? Will they eventually replace us entirely? I don’t think so. For roles in animation, games, audio books, commercials, etc., where a human voice with emotion and the ability to interpret the subtleties of human interaction in the script is needed, AI will have trouble being believable.

Bottom Line: If you’re doing work that could easily be replaced by an AI voice, now’s a good time to improve your acting skills and make a move to a different genre of VO.

To be honest, I’ve heard my share of really bad Voice Acting… by humans. I don’t know how they got the job in the first place, but if the client sees that AI is cheaper and better, then that’s where they’ll go.

Second Bottom Line: Don’t suck at your job.

Authentic AI Voices
Authentic AI VO Voice Acting

I know AI will eventually replace me as a Voice Actor… but the real question is: Will it have the correct skin color, ethnic origin, religious affiliation, gender designation and sexual preference for the role?


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Virus Newspaper


Virus Newspaper

What if the virus had a newspaper?

Here’s the latest edition… in Spanish and English:

(click here for the English Edition)

El Periódico del Virus: Edición Pandémica
El Periódico del Virus -Edición Pandémica
Autor: C. 19

¡Buenos días, mis amigos patógenos! Gracias por leer mi continua cobertura de nuestra guerra con la especie humana.

Para esta edición, quiero decir que, aunque las cosas parecen buenas, todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer.

Primero, debemos continuar atacando a las personas cuando menos lo esperan. Cuando se tocan la cara, tosen o estornudan, o incluso cuando están demasiado cerca el uno del otro. ¡Este es el momento de atacar! Esté atento a las personas que no usan máscaras. Son los objetivos más fáciles.

Recuerda que la mayoría de las personas son muy estúpidas. Casi el cuarenta por ciento ni siquiera cree en nuestra existencia. Su estupidez es nuestra mejor arma.
Los mejores lugares para ir son la playa, barras, oficinas, y cada área que la gente reúne. Busca para grandes grupos en habitaciones pequeñas. Cuando estas allí, mira para personas que hablar o escupir mucho. Ellos son tu vehículo para extenderse más rápidamente.

“Pero C.”, se podría decir, “Yo solo soy un pequeño virus. ¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudar?

¡Son muchas cosas! Usa “FaceTime” – Ponerse en la cara de alguien. De allí, entra de los ojos, las fosas nasales, o dentro de la boca. Aquí tu viaje comienza… ¡Ahora, infectas! ¡Infectas! ¡Infectas!

Si tú te sientes solo, no te preocupes. Recuerda siempre tener tus hermanos y hermanas. Nosotros estamos allí para te ayudamos.

Para ayudarnos a todos a mantenernos enfocados en nuestra causa, se me ocurrió un lema que todos podemos usar:

“¡Estamos todos juntos en esto!”

English version:

The Virus Newspaper: Pandemic Edition
Author: C. 19

Good morning, my pathogenic friends! Thank you for reading my continued coverage of our war with the human species.

For this edition, I want to say that although things look good, there is still a lot of work to do.

First, we must continue to attack people when they least expect it. When they touch their faces, they cough or sneeze, or even when they are too close to each other. This is the time to attack! Watch out for people who do not wear masks. They are the easiest targets.

Remember that most people are very stupid. Almost forty percent do not even believe in our existence. Their stupidity is our best weapon.

The best places to go are the beach, bars, offices, and every area that people gather. Search for large groups in small rooms. When you are there, watch for people who talk or spit a lot. They are your vehicle to spread more quickly.

“But C.”, you might say, “I’m just a little virus. What can I do to help?

Are a lot of things! Use “FaceTime” – Put yourself on someone’s face. From there, enter the eyes, the nostrils, or into the mouth. Here your journey begins … Now, infect! Infect! Infect!

If you feel lonely, do not worry. Always remember to have your brothers and sisters. We are there to help you.

To help us all stay focused on our cause, I came up with a motto that we can all use:

“We are all in this together!”


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Mask Confusion


Mask Confusion

There’s a lot of bad information out there about Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and Masks.

So, let’s try to set the record straight on Masks:

  • Masks protect others from you. (non-medical ones, that is) They do very little to protect you from others. I wear a mask to protect you. You wear a mask to protect me.
  • They must be worn correctly over the nose and mouth. Not just the mouth. Or just the nose. Or around your neck.
  • Don’t put the mask on and off repeatedly. This means your touching your face more, and that’s bad for you. Just put it on before you leave the house. Leave it on until you get home and can wash your hands.
  • Everyone should be wearing a mask outside of the house. Everyone. Not just parents. Or elderly. Or people not running and biking. Everyone. That’s how we get through this faster.
  • Masks are not a substitute for Social Distancing. You still need to stay 6 feet or more away from others. Remember: the mask is not to protect you – it’s to stop you from spreading the virus to others.
  • Wear a mask even if you feel well. Covid-19 can and does spread without any symptoms. So just because you feel well doesn’t mean you don’t have the virus… and are spreading it to others.

ALSO! Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face.

Got more advice? Feel free to comment below. And I will be deleting inaccurate comments. It’s my blog – deal with it!


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Paranoia Control


Paranoia Control

Paranoia. Anxiety. Fear.

It’s normal for us to feel these things when a threat is nearby. I know many are feeling this with the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

I’ve got a secret that may help, and it stems from my being diagnosed as “Hypervigilant“.

Hypervigilance put simply means that I am overly aware of everything around me at all times. In a restaurant, for example, I will be listening to multiple conversations, watching people come and go, seeing what other tables are ordering, doing, etc. It can be exhausting to filter this much information. But there are ways to cope. Ways that may be of use in these pandemic times.

First and foremost is the realization that no single person can ever be completely “safe”. It’s a hard reality to face. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions. Knowing where the line between “being cautious” and “being paranoid” can be tough to find.

So… here’s how it works for me:

  • Do what you can: keep your hands clean, and don’t touch your face; Practice social distancing.
  • Realize others don’t have the same view of the world; what you see, they may be completely oblivious to.
  • Help who you can: for loved ones, family and friends, give advice when appropriate to keep them safe – but don’t nag.
  • Let it go: sometimes you have to realize it’s your own bias and let it go… everyone has to live their own lives – nobody’s perfect, and that includes you.
  • Stay connected: although it can be hard when you’re aware of all the flaws, it’s important to stay emotionally connected to the world – we all need support sometimes.

Making peace with the world outside of ourselves is an individual journey. But when we become obsessed with others’ actions, as Shakespeare’s King Lear said:

“O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of that.”

Stay safe, sane and healthy, my friends,


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Political Artwork


This gallery contains 22 photos.


Political Artwork Over the last 3+ years, I’ve been, uh… inspired? driven? annoyed? … to create a number of Political Artwork pieces. Some are graphics, some songs, posts, etc. Below, in random order, are some of the graphic ones. Maybe … Continue reading


The Genius of Donald J. Trump


The Genius of Donald J. Trump

Those of you who know me probably aren’t used to hearing anything positive about Trump.

However, there is something that he seems to do better than anyone else. His “Genius” trait.

Trump never explains anything he says or does. He lets others do it for him.

Can it be that simple? Is this the key to his success?

Republicans in government and his supporters constantly “explain” what he means when he does or says something stupid, ignorant, racist, weak, etc.

His detractors “explain” what is wrong with him. Mentally. Strategically. They even try to figure out if he’s “playing 3-dimensional chess”… and in doing so, freely give him his next move to make.

His lawyers “explain” away his legal problems.

His accountants “explain” away his money problem.

And behind it all, Trump explains nothing. Ever. No apologies. No explanations. No reason for his insane, bizarre, mental meltdowns and verbal diatribes. Nada.

And why should he explain anything he does or says? He’s got all of us doing it for him.

He is, in essence, the Schrödinger’s cat of politicians: simultaneously a “Stable Genius” and a “Babbling Imbecile”.

And so he shall remain until the box is flung open…

Trump Genius combo JoesDump


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com


America: Sorry For Your Loss


America: Sorry For Your Loss

America: Sorry For Your Loss

Sorry For Your Loss

(Morals, Intelligence, Fairness, Culture, Sanity, World Standing, Children, Laws, Soul, Planet, etc…)

Get Well Soon

I’ve decided this will be my new greeting to fellow Americans. I really hope I don’t need to use it for very long…

But to be honest, both sides of this horror story are losing so much. But the difference is that one side knows what it’s losing. And the other remains terribly clueless.

It would be easy to call names. Stupid. Conned. Racist. But many are just ignorant. And the cure for that is education. Another thing sadly lacking in our country.

And those who refuse to listen? Who don’t want to know?

“Willful Ignorance” is far worse than any amount of stupidity.

Time to get out of our bubbles. See ourselves and “the other”. Mend the wounds. Heal the divide.

But I’m not holding my breath.

Stay sane out there.



All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com

