Political Artwork Over the last 3+ years, I’ve been, uh… inspired? driven? annoyed? … to create a number of Political Artwork pieces. Some are graphics, some songs, posts, etc. Below, in random order, are some of the graphic ones. Maybe … Continue reading →
In a recent Facebook post, people were debating the merits and issues with stating your political views on a public forum. The primary concern seemed to be how it might affect their business. Here is my posted reply:
Now is not the time to remain silent. No job, paycheck or client is worth giving up our freedoms. And that’s what’s at stake. Everyone must do what they’re comfortable with, but I will not stand idly by while the underpinnings of our nation are eroded. If anyone, including a client, doesn’t like my stance on issues of this importance then I wouldn’t want them anyway. So far, I’ve only lost one connection here, and he went way off the deep end. My two cents. Your mileage may vary.
After all, what good is having the right to freedom of speech if you never exercise it?
The Role of the Jester
Although I do speak my mind plainly at times, I also often use humor to convey messages. Like the King’s Jester, some truths are easier to deliver with a bit of comedy. The laughter (or lack thereof) can tell you a lot about the audience. And make no mistake – I’ve mocked both sides of the political aisle (but one side is usually a lot more of a comedy gold mine 😉 )
Here are my latest set of short historical propaganda films – Enjoy!
Join The Republican Party: The Party of THE FUTURE!
Dead Presidents on Trump (5 short videos)
What would dead presidents have to say about Donald J. Trump?
Wonder no more!
Here’s 10-15 seconds each of alternative history for you!
Copyright 2017 Joe’s Dump
Not a Quinn-Martin Production
All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com
I need a break. It’s only until after the US Presidential election is over, but I really want to take time to focus on what’s important in my life.
So… You’re never supposed to discuss politics or religion in polite company.
But it seems like polite company is getting more difficult to find.
I’ll let you in on some of my views in the rest of this post, then I’m signing out of Joe’s Dump.
The lights will come back on in November (although I may post something if the mood strikes me). Continue reading →
I use the word “villain” in a loose way, as it’s more of a force of nature. In the story, it is slowly destroying Fantasia, a land of wonder, imagination, and endless variety. In the movie version, “The Nothing” is represented by an ominous storm, and by a large black wolf:
The book is not as concrete, but much more frightening in it’s portrayal. “The Nothing” represents all of the worst of humankind. Apathy, cynicism, despair, and all the darkest aspects of our nature.
In the end, it’s a boy’s imagination and willingness to believe that saves Fantasia from “The Nothing”.
The Nothing: It’s At Work On Our World
Beyond the simple story lies a chilling truth: “The Nothing” is quite real. And it’s been growing. We feed it by giving into our greed, anger, and small-mindedness. Where is it? How can we identify it? And what can be done to stop it? I’ve provided some examples below, and I’m sure once you see it too, you’ll be able to find many more…