Celebrity Superpower


Celebrity Superpower

In many ways, being a celebrity can be like having a superpower. It makes them larger than life. It can be used for good or for evil. People will follow them for a whole host of reasons. And, on a personal level, it can be healthy for them, or cause them harm. Or both.

It also has many parallels to the Greek Gods. They were larger versions of humans, with all the emotions, flaws and drama. Just writ bigger on the heavens.

In the end, what strikes me most about celebrity is the difficulty it must bring in leading a normal life.

Though we associate celebrity with the performing arts, many professions have celebrities. Politics, law, medicine, science, restaurants, etc.

Perhaps it’s best for us and the celebrities if we can think of them more as just human beings. They have the same needs, wants and desires. Since I’m in Los Angeles, it’s pretty common to run into a celebrity when you’re out and about. I try to respect their privacy. They deserve to have a private life… just like a secret identity.

In the wake of all the recent celebrities who have passed on, I’d like to hear your thoughts. Feel free to comment below.



All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Technology Rising, Quality Sinking


Technology Rising, Quality Sinking

Technology Sinking Quality Ship

It’s here to help.
It’s here to save us.
To make things better.

But as the technology becomes more and more prevalent in our daily lives, the quality of many industries, products and even people are on the decline.

It’s this relationship between the rise of technology and the sinking level of quality that this article will explore.
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